
Showing posts from November, 2021

Because there is no essence in the EGO... (क्योंकि अहंकार में कोई सार नहीं है...)

Dear Readers... In your everyday life, you will often see that where some people are very humble in spite of being successful and powerful. At the same time, there are also some people who are proud of their power or ability.  1. It is natural to have some degree of pride in one's successes or abilities and it is also good from the point of view of psychology; But when this pride starts becoming uncontrolled and unreasonable, it takes the form of pride or arrogance and the personality is covered like a stain. It is very important to explain to such a person that being arrogant or boasting is basically a kind of stupidity that is better to avoid. 2. The psychology of an arrogant person is egocentric. He places himself at the center of the universe and interprets everything else from his point of view. The feeling of 'I' becomes its permanent feeling.  Encouraged by his small successes, he believes that this world is running because of him.  It is important to keep a lit...

Because being SKEPTICAL is not a bad thing... (क्योंकि संशयवादी होना कोई बुरी बात नहीं है...)

As a child, I had heard someone say or maybe read somewhere that 'you know what you know, you don't know what you don't know. This childhood thing has made such a home in my mind that I have lost my faith in such things as " In the end, the truth does come out"  or  "the lie has no feet" . Everything seems suspicious to me. 1. For example...  (I) If someone says that Potassium Cyanide is the most dangerous poison in the world and death is caused by keeping it in the mouth, then the question arises in the mind that then how did it become the most dangerous poison in the world? This became the most luxurious poison.  (II) Somebody says that Switzerland is the most beautiful country in the world, then I would say that Switzerland is the most beautiful country in the world because their cameras and photography techniques are very advanced, otherwise, our Kashmir is also no less beautiful than anywhere, Just our boys have grabbed guns instead of cameras. 2....

Kabhi Kabhi (Song)

Introducing a Beautiful & Original Song by Anchal Sehrawat I hope you would like it... Let me know in the comment box how do you see his work!!! Instagram: @Sehrawat_anchal