
Because it is not just about a temple, it is about correcting a historical wrong...(क्योंकि यह सिर्फ एक मंदिर की बात नहीं है, यह एक ऐतिहासिक गलती को सुधारने की बात है...)

We are on the cusp of a cultural and civilizational Renaissance. 22nd of January is a date that this country is waiting with bated breath for (the Ram temple consecration). What should be our thoughts at this moment in terms of reclaiming our cultural and religious ethos seen in the life of any nation?  Let's start with a similar kind of example of Spain (where the majority follows Christianity). When the Arab armies took over Spain in the 8th Century every Cathedral they converted into mosques but when Spain regained it in the 13th century they built back everything without exception . i.e. Cordoba Mosque     Valencia Cathedral     Old Cathedral of Lleida     Visigothic Cathedral So in India, this should have been done before 1950 (from 1947 to 1950). Because abilities required to be a successful nation are not just in its resources, politics, and military but it's in the spirit of the people . If people feel defeated they're not going to do great thi...

Controversy over revisions in the NCERT textbooks... (एनसीईआरटी पाठ्यपुस्तकों में हुए संशोधनों पर विवाद...)

Selective deletions of significant passages in textbooks on Indian history in the name of rationalizing school curricula stoked fears of the politicization of education.

Because a HUMAN BEING is the only creature that refuses to be who he is... (क्योकि मनुष्य ही एकमात्र ऐसा प्राणी है जो वह होने से इनकार करता, जो वह है...)

He sees that everyone is saluting him. He has become an object of respect from his home to his office; Everyone is eager to meet him. As soon as he gets off the stage, there is an influx of people taking photographs and taking autographs. Earlier where he had to wait for hours for his work, now he is handling those tasks himself.  Such dreams keep coming to the minds of people every now and then. They are always busy thinking about how to rise from their present situation to reach the best. Human beings are like this by nature. He is not ready to accept his status quo . By imagining a virtual world, he is always pushing himself towards it.  1. If we look carefully at history from ancient to the present, then it seems that man has always tried to show himself to the world in some other form. Whether it is an exaggerated portrayal of kings done by poets or other works done by rulers to immortalize their name forever, there is an intention to hide the status quo somewhere or the...

Because it is important to MAINTAIN a CHILDLIKE ENTHUSIASM towards life... (क्योंकि जीवन के प्रति बच्चों जैसा उत्साह बनाए रखना ज़रूरी है...)

You must have seen that children have a lot of enthusiasm for everything. S/he is always full of energy from the time S/he wakes up in the morning till S/he goes to sleep at night. They may have a sense of competition with each other, but they do not keep hatred within their hearts. They are eager to know anything new. They neither worry about the unseen future nor do they like to carry the burden of the past on their souls.  But the flip side of our life is that as we grow older and mature, we tend to lose out on this enthusiasm, fun, and vitality. After completing a school-college education, when one has to face the real struggles of life, then there is a sudden lack of enthusiasm towards life.  Many philosophers, sociologists, and social psychologists have explained this impatience in their own way and also suggested ways to get rid of it. Broadly speaking, all of them have named this problem 'separation' (meaning lack of attachment) which is 'alienation'. Communists...

Because LIFE without DUALITY is not possible... (क्योंकि द्वंद्व के बिना जीवन संभव नहीं है...)

1. In the midst of the constant movement of life, we forget to think in which direction our flow is going and what is the meaning of this fluency. Is life living us or are we living life? Is life progressing on the basis of our values, ideals, and principles or are we just passing on momentary impulses? And when we start looking for answers to these questions, then only we turn from our outer world to the inner world, and from here begins the inner conflict. The duality between our theoretical and practical life; The conflict between our desires, aspirations, social beliefs, and stereotypes; The duality between our immediate and real desires. This sequence continues continuously. The mind makes up its reasoning and the heart raises its voice. 2. Sometimes we become inactive by getting caught in the cycle of sin-virtue, good-bad, karma-kukarma,  and this inaction gives rise to indolence. But the truth is that when a person thinks so much, then he will not be able to do any work. So...

Because VALENTINE is also a type of VIRUS... (क्योंकि वेलेंटाइन भी एक प्रकार का वायरस ही है...)

लीजिए साहब, आ गया 14 फरवरी। पूरी दुनिया में कमाल का बवाल है इस दिन। पता नहीं कब से दुनिया में आया? कैसे आया? अलग-अलग कहानियां प्रचलित हैं और इस बारे में कोई ठोस तथ्यात्मक जानकारी भी उपलब्ध नहीं है। पर साहब, आया और ऐसा आया कि देखते ही देखते पूरी दुनिया के हर देश में बिना पासपोर्ट-वीजा के कोरोना की तरह घुस गया और करोड़ों लोगों को अपने पाश में ले लिया।  वैसे वेलेंटाइन डे और वायरस दोनों हुए तो नाम के लिहाज से एक ही राशि के और यदि बात की जाए तो गुण-दोष भी काफी कुछ समान हैं। वायरस में नाक बंद हो जाता है और वेलेंटाइन में आंख-कान बंद हो जाते हैं। आदमी को कुछ दिखता नहीं। वायरस में बुखार आता है, वेलेंटाइन में भी प्रेम का बुखार चढ़ता है कि बस उतरे ना उतरे।  वारयस से सांस की तकलीफ होती है, वेलेंटाइन में भी प्रेमी आहें भरता है, घुट-घुटकर सांस लेता है। वारयस से थकान होती है, शरीर टूटता है, वेलेंटाइन में भी आदमी बस उठना नहीं चाहता। गम और मोहब्बत के गाने सुनता है। वायरस फटाफट फैलता है, वेलेंटाइन भी जो फैला है पिछले कुछ सालों में कि रुक ही नहीं रहा। वायरस से बचाव है कि मास्क पहनो, ...

Have you ever thought about the question that WHY do we feel INCOMPLETE?

Is it because of our external circumstances or in our psychology? If you  look closely, the reasons for this are visible on both levels. In many cases  our circumstances make us feel incomplete.  For example, every person  would be more beautiful/intelligent than someone or the other and less beautiful /intelligent   than someone or the other. If he feels confident in front of a person less  beautiful /intelligent  than himself, then he starts feeling incomplete in front of a  person beautiful /intelligent  than himself.  But the problem of incompleteness does  not depend only on external circumstances. There is also a psychological  aspect to it, the most serious explanation of which has been given by the  existentialist thinker Jean-Paul Sartre .  Sartre said that the nature of  human consciousness is such that it is surrounded by the feeling of  'nothingness' . To put it in his language, there is a 'consc...