
Showing posts from December, 2021

Have you ever thought about the question that WHY do we feel INCOMPLETE?

Is it because of our external circumstances or in our psychology? If you  look closely, the reasons for this are visible on both levels. In many cases  our circumstances make us feel incomplete.  For example, every person  would be more beautiful/intelligent than someone or the other and less beautiful /intelligent   than someone or the other. If he feels confident in front of a person less  beautiful /intelligent  than himself, then he starts feeling incomplete in front of a  person beautiful /intelligent  than himself.  But the problem of incompleteness does  not depend only on external circumstances. There is also a psychological  aspect to it, the most serious explanation of which has been given by the  existentialist thinker Jean-Paul Sartre .  Sartre said that the nature of  human consciousness is such that it is surrounded by the feeling of  'nothingness' . To put it in his language, there is a 'consc...